Lumens to lux calculatorLuminous flux in lumens (lm) to illuminance in lux (lx) calculator and how to calculate.Enter the luminous flux in lumens, select area unit type, enter radius in meters for spherical light source or surface area
Illuminance in lux (lx) to luminous flux in lumens (lm) calculator and how to calculate. Enter the illuminance in lux (lx), select area unit type, enter radius in meters for spherical light source or surface area in square meters for any light source and press theCalculatebutton to get ...
This is an online calculator to convert lux to lumens. Just enter the lux value and sphere radius to get the corresponding lumens value. Enter the Lux Value and Sphere Radius to Calculate Lumens illuminance in Lux lx Sphere Radius in Feet or Meters ...
Use our lux/lumens calculator to determine how much light is needed for your industrial lighting application.
摘要:為生產工作提供適量的光線能對效率、生產力和安全性提供顯著的提升。為工作或製造時提供適當的照明,所需達到的光量,可能會因應用類型而異。 照明工程學會(IES)為工業環境中的數百種具體應用,推薦了不同級別的照明建議。本文介紹如何透過查看照度和流明來確定照明需求。
Easy to understand graphic explaining the difference between lux and lumens as well as a conversion calculator.
lumens = candelas × 2π × [1 - cos(θ/2)] Lux to lumen conversion You can also use this lux calculator for lux to lumen conversion. As mentioned earlier, lumens are a measure of emitted light, while lux is a measure of received light per unit area. It means that the measure of...
💡 To find out the recommended lux and foot candle values for different ambients and calculate the required lumens for your light bulbs, check out our lighting calculator. Lumen vs lux and foot candles What does 'lumen' mean, and how does it relate to lux and foot candles? Lumens are ...
On the other hand, you can also use the calculator to convert lux to watt, and then you will know how much power you need to get a well-lit area. If the surface area is unimportant to you, and you know the bulb's brightness, you may want to use our other tool: lumens to watts...