Watts to lux calculation » Currently, we have around 5667 calculators, conversion tables and usefull online tools and software features for students, teaching and teachers, designers and simply for everyone. You can find at this page financial calculators, mortgage calculators, calculators for loans...
As a cargo airline operating worldwide, Cargolux needs to be careful what we ship, where it comes from, where it goes, and who receives the goods. Cargolux places foremost importance in working with partners who share the same level of ethical engagement! Working in an ethical and compli...
In the event that reported carbon emissions data is not available for a particular issuer, the third-party provider may provide estimates using their own methodologies Issuers that do not have any carbon emissions data available (reported or estimated) are excluded from the WACI calculation. ...
In the event that reported carbon emissions data is not available for a particular issuer, the third-party provider may provide estimates using their own methodologies Issuers that do not have any carbon emissions data available (reported or estimated) are excluded from the WACI calculation. ...
Cargolux aims to recruit the best talent to uphold the service level it is renowned for. Whether you are a subject matter expert with years of experience under your “wings” or you are looking for an opportunity to kick off your career in the fascinating world of air cargo. ...
sα,s(λ) functions in Additional File 4: Data S2A: an R package (alphaopics), which includes functions for calculating species and opsin-specific units [39], and an online toolbox (Alphaopics: Species-specific light exposure calculator) for easy calculation of species-specific metrics [40]...
The relative mRNA levels of the investigated genes were normalized to Ubiquitin (Os03g0234350) by a 2–△△CT calculation method with two biological and three technical replicates. Yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) assay OsLUX, OsELF3-1, and OsELF4s CDS amplified from Nip cDNA were used as baits ...
which do not affect the calculation of the relevant index; • the existence of uninvested assets in the sub-funds (including cash and prepaid expenses); • the fact that a sub-fund may be subject to foreign withholding tax different from that applicable to the index; • Income from se...
According to the study, European issuers are leading the way in the field of gender finance. When supranational issuers are excluded from the calculation, 59% of gender-focused bonds, representing 80% of the amount raised through such bonds ...
In the event that reported carbon emissions data is not available for a particular issuer, the third-party provider may provide estimates using their own methodologies Issuers that do not have any carbon emissions data available (reported or estimated) are excluded from the WACI calculation. ...