亲爱的朋友,这个应该就是你在找的东西。 点击[「萨克斯纯音乐」午夜情迷!三分迷离、七分柔情!/Nujabes-Luv (sic)(pt 2 Instrumentals).mp3]开启发现之旅吧~ 你觉得这个资源怎么样,有没有其他资源想让我分享呀?
歌词:Luv(sic) pt.2Once again, now where do I start, dear loveDumb struck with the pure luck to find you hereEvery morn I awake from a cavernous night,Sometimes still pondering the previous plight,Seems life done changed long time no speak,Nowadays I often forget the day of the weekTaki...
【歌词】Luv(sic) pt2_Nujabes上苍youkeepwatchingoverus只是卑微祈愿着您能将羊群守望fromheavenswherelightnucleus光从天堂中心向四周散发spacefillednegativematter穿破黑暗抵挡将真理播洒antigravitypullwouldratherfeelwhenshelleventually当上升力终将我从躯壳中抽离tiesmotherearthgroundmementally精神却仍然被大地所牵引real...
Luv(sic.) Part 2 (Original Version) - Nujabes Once again now where do I start dear love亲爱的 我该从哪里说起呢 Dumb struck with the pure luck to find you here我是走了狗屎运才能与你相遇在此时此地 Every morn' I awake from a cavernous night每天清晨 我都从深邃般的黑夜醒来 ...
这也是我们所不曾预料到的最好的时机To come clean and candid if I have to那么,就让一切开诚布公Oh what I wouldn't trade for your laughter我总是无法换取你的笑颜Sweet and sour spice in my poetry pot melting,尽管心中充满甜蜜和痛苦Even better than the real thing!它却仍然好于残酷的现实It's ...
Luv(sic)pt2 - Acoustica ... - Haruk... Once again now where do I start dear love重逢于千万人之间,如何说竟一时语塞 Dumb struck with the pure luck to find you here幸运如我能与你相遇在此地此刻 Every morning' I awake from a cavernous night每天清晨阳光将虚无黑夜覆盖,我醒来 Sometimes ...
【歌词】Luv(sic)pt2NujabesOnce again, now where do I start, dear love重逢于千万人之间,如何说竟一时语塞Dumbstruck with the pure luck to find you here幸运如我能与你相遇在此地此刻Every morn' I awake from a cavernous night,每天清晨阳光将虚无黑夜覆盖,我醒来Sometimes still pondering the previous...