This book gives today's Lutherans a sense of heritage, identity and continuity, a sense of self-understanding. Readers will see themselves as part of a family. They can identify with the struggles, hopes, and frustrations of wave after wave of immigrants adapting to the strange new world of...
22.0% Minority Enrollment 78.0% White 12.0% Hispanic/Latino 6.0% Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander 4.0% Two or more races Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaska Native and Black or African American are not included in this breakdown due to an enrollment of 0%. ...
Lutheranism came to North America when a shipload of Dutch Reformed, together with a few scattered German and Scandinavian Lutherans, landed in New Netherlands in 1624. This group was followed by small bands of Lutherans who chiefly settled in New Jersey. With the founding of New Sweden on ...
还没有人谈过"Reports of the United German Evangelical Lutheran Congregations in North America, Especially in Pennsylvania, Volume 2"。来做第一个。添加新讨论 > 去Reports of the United German Evangelical Lutheran Congregations in North America, Especially in Pennsylvania, Volume 2 的页面 讨论区...
6.3% Minority Enrollment 93.7% White 3.2% Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander 3.2% Hispanic/Latino Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaska Native, Two or more races and Black or African American are not included in this breakdown due to an enrollment of 0%. ...
Paul, Minnesota. Emphasis on same-sex behavior; Significance of the study for improving training in theology in Lutheran seminaries; History of the seminary in providing support and counseling for gay parishioners in the city. 年份: 1975
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church welcomes all people to join them in worship and ministry as a whole. We come together to hear the story of God and continue to make the story come to life today!
Welcome to St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in the heart of the City of Stratford, Ontario and home of the Stratford Shakespeare Festival, the largest repertory theatre in North America. The Evangelical Lutheran Church does not claim to be the only saving church, but it does endeavour ...
The distress of the German Lutherans in North America : laid upon the hearts of the brethren in the faith in the home countryWyneken, Friedrich
Female Diaconates in Germany The resurgence of female diaconates in nineteenth-century...Naumann, Cheryl D.Lutheran School of Theology and MissionCurrents in Theology and Mission