words of institution are proclaimed over the bread and wine on the altar, know that those words and the promise they bear ("given and shed FOR YOU") are proclaimed and prayed over the elements in your home. If you are worshipping alone in your home, commune yourself with us. If there...
or “House of Correction,” we started with the idea that we would admit such bad subjects, and try and see what could be done with them. The military organization of the institution had a tendency to fascinate such unruly spirits
yet also elegant and fitting words, and by expressing the clear meaning as close as possible to the original psalms, the singing of these songs may help the public to understand them. And so here you need to proceed in an unrestricted manner and, once ...
However, he found a more positive place for law within the Christian community than did Luther. In Geneva, Calvin was able to experiment with his ideal of a disciplined community of the elect. Calvin also stressed the doctrine of predestination and interpreted Holy Communion as a spiritual ...