In seeking to distinguish between the eating Christ describes in John 6 and the eating that takes place in the Lord’s Supper, Luther speaks about the Lord’s Supper in these sermons in ways that might make Lutherans today uncomfortable. For instance, he says that “the bread on the altar...
For sermons from the old website,Click Here. Twin Steeples Podcast The Twin Steeples Podcast Hymn 500 - May God Bestow on Us His Grace This week we study the hymn "May God Bestow on Us His Grace" (Hymn 500 in The Lutheran Hymnal), written by Martin Luther in the 1524. This hymn ...
2018. Luther’s Theology of the Cross: Christ in Luther’s Sermons on John. Eugene: Cascade. [Google Scholar] Nicole, Roger. 1967. The Case for Definite Atonement. Bulletin for the Evangelical Theological Society 10: 199–207. [Google Scholar] Nüssel, Frederike. 2000. Allein aus Glauben:...
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..The house postils or sermons, on the other hand, which constitute the volumes of our translation, were delivered by Luther in the intimate circle of his family members and a few others. The Luther household was often quite extensive—a real test for Katie’s ingenuity at balancing the ...
The work mainly contained sermons by his brother Andreas Praetorius of 1584,31towhich he added two songs. The song“Mein Gott, mein Gott, o Vater mein”(“My God,my God, oh father mine”) particularly underscores through an acrostic“MICHAEL”and hisSymbolumPraetorius’s personal identification...