Renew spirit, mind, and body in a stress-free, Christ-centered environment at Camp Arcadia Join us to refocus on faith, family, and friends.
St. Dominic High has announced the following summer camps:Lady Crusader basketball camp - June 17-21 in the high school gym. Grades 9-10 will meet from 7:30-10 a.m., grades 7-8 from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and grades 5-6 from 12:30-3 p.m. Cost is $35 and includes a camp...
your child will be eligible to attend summer camps in June and Julyfor as many or as few weeks as you would like to attend. Age 2.5 minimum age (Only children who are enrolled for this year or next year are eligible to attend Summer Camp.) All children who are 3 years of age must...
2023 Summer Activities & Camps Camp Eligibility is based on your child’s grade for FALL 2023. Please continue to check back throughout the Spring as well will continue to add to our camp lineup as information is provided to us. Camp Invention Grades K-6 June 5-9 8:00am – 3:30pm ...
Camp helps kids who, like Noah, survived flood; In weeklong summer camps in western and northern Minnesota, Lutheran Social Services helps children cope by talking about their waterlogged experiences.(NEWS)HoganAlbach, Susan