Our Redeemer Lutheran North School is a private school located in Houston, TX. The student population of Our Redeemer Lutheran North School is 6. The school’s minority student enrollment is 66.7% and the student-teacher ratio is 3:1. Tuition & Financial Aid N/A Yearly Tuition* Fees* N/...
学校地址:1130 W 34th St, Houston, TX 77018 校园面积:10英亩 所在国家:美国 所在州省:德克萨斯 位置:城市 宗教:路德教 学校数据 开设年级:9-12 班级大小:15 AP课程数:5 学生人数:150 师生比:1:5 国际学生比:7% 高级教师比:70% SAT平均分(升学):1070 费用预算 学费:$20,000 申请情况 面试方式:Skype...
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