This list of popular Luther Vandross albums has been voted on by music fans around the world, so the order of this list isn't just one person's opinion. You can share your own opinion by voting up your favorite albums below, while voting any albums down that you feel should be lower ...
Our newest site,amIwronghas analbums order quizwhere you need to put this performer's albums in order of release. Music Performer Pseudonyms: Also known as:Ronnie Vandross.Submitted by: redK New Song Names: Original Song Name New Song Name ...
1985 - The Night I Fell In Love 1986 1986 - Give Me The Reason 1988 1988 - Any Love 1989 1989 - The Best Of Luther Vandross (disc 2) 1989 1989 - The Best Of Luther Vandross (disc 1) 1991 1991 - Power Of Love 1993 1993 - Never Let Me Go 1994 1994 - Son...
Luther is released on CD for the first time in June This Close To You features another nine Luther Vandross songs, which he again self-produced and it’s notable that a certain Nile Rodgers plays guitar on every song. The CD reissue features three bonus tracks. Both Luther albums are reiss...
8. Luther Vandross (2001) Soul In Stereo rating: 4 stars out of 5 Edd said:Attention, legacy artists looking to adapt to the changing times, THIS album is your blueprint. After a decade of so-so albums that had pundits whispering that Lutha was behind the times, Lutha’s 2001 album...
Vandross hasn't made many better overall albums from a strict singing standpoint; his voice is full and impressive in every register, and there's no sign of strain when he reaches to the top of an arrangement or extends notes and phrases. Perhaps there are signs of creative wear and tear...
The album title – a simultaneous tip of the hat to Beak’s all-time favorite singer, Luther Vandross, as well as his four-year-old son lovingly given the same name – is a reflection of this boiled-down, reflective approach. Inspired largely by his new life as a family man and a re...
Since Luther's untimely death in 2005, I remember reading [[probably in his 2014 Biography, "Luther: The Life And Longing Of Luther Vandross" by Craig Seymour) that Luther had once stated that his two "Luther" Cotillion albums would never be reissued on CD. I remember how my heart sank...
Luther Vandross was an American soul and pop singer, songwriter, and producer whose widespread popularity and reputation as a consummate stylist began in the early 1980s. His distinctive baritone, precise phrasing, and unabashedly romantic songs made him
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