Ibid., 23: this is the beginning of chapter 2, the point when Luther is introduced to us for the first time; and the incident is also discussed in pages 138–150. See also Friedman,Identity’s Architect, 272—who wrongly states that Erikson claims Luther had this fit during his first m...
at Oberlin College's preparatory department in Oberlin, Ohio and Hanover High School in Hanover, New Hampshire. He was plagued by heart problems and chronic headaches until he found a solution through physical exercise at the Sargent School of Physical Training in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1885.2...
Sven GrosseHermeneutik und Auslegung desRömerbriefs bei Origenes, Thomas vonAquin und LutherOrigenes, Thomas von Aquin und Martin Luther setzen mit ihren Auslegungendes Briefs des Paulus an die Römer Marksteine. Der Rang dieser drei Theologenund ihr Gewicht in der Geschichte des christlichen...