It appears that the RLOCs work for a single level of hiearchy in vivado 2014.4, however they...
you have to click the top right download button for the actual lut generator, otherwise very helpful Upvote 0 Downvote S Staywokegames 5.00 star(s) Jan 26, 2023 Version: 0.15 LMAO guys wheel check is separate from LUT generator. The download link is only for the wheel check. you ...
It consists of a PA (ZFL 2500), a PC providing the baseband signal and realizing DPD algorithms, a vector signal generator (Rohde & Schwarz SMU 200 A) to generate the RF signal and a spectrum analyzer (Agilent E4440A, 3 Hz − 26.5 GHz) to analyze the input and output signals of PA...