A luxuriously rich lavender and tonka lotion to soothe your skin and mind before settling down for the night.
Sleepy is my all time favorite scent from Lush! The formula for the body lotion is so creamy and moisturizing. I use it every night and in the morning the smell is still lingering and my skin so soft. Recommends this product ✔ Yes Quality of Product Quality of Product, 5 out of ...
You might like to take a peek at Sleepy lotion to enjoy the comforting scent of tonka and lavender all night long! -Connor 1–4 of 356 Reviews Previous Reviews◄ Next Reviews► 你或會喜歡 主頁-睡公主泡泡浴芭 抱歉,讀取你的購物籃時出現錯誤...
240 reviews and posts Sort by Default All240Bath bomb44Body lotion19All 17Honey lip scrub15tea tree face toner13Shampoo Bar6Bar soap6Bubble bar5Spongebob Collab4Boom! toothpaste tabs3Shower gel3Shampoo2Kitchen Subscription Box2Super Milk2Mask of Magnaminty2Scrub2Sleepy line 2American Cream1Super...
“Say hello to your new nightly ritual! Zzz...,” the description for Sleepy states. So yeah, it definitely drops hints that the stuff can help you get a sound night of shut eye. But there might actually be something to this fandom—and it likely has a lot to do with the lotion's...
Body lotion 4 out of 5 Its thick but not greasy. Someof you know that alot of lotions are too greasy for me but this is nice and it smells good. Not quite as nice smling as the shower gel but close. Body spray fragrance 3 out of 5 rating ...
I know the Sympathy for Skin body lotion has bananas and it makes my skin feel good. Lush hasn’t done many banana things for the hair, so im excited to try this tonight. It smells good. i did catch a whiff of banana. It makes onky a nano bit of lather. I have long thick ...
Lush has created a body spray with the same sleep-inducing scent as its Sleepy lotion— the magical purple moisturizer customers swear sends them to slumberland in only 15 minutes. (Let the freaking out commence!) The cosmetics company recently made the spray available in U.S. stores and onli...
Lush 为你挑选了一系列温和且舒缓的产品,其香气可让你放松身心,进入甜美梦乡。睡公主润肤乳 Sleepy Body Lotion ¥170 / 95g ;¥310 / 225g 含温和燕麦片浸泡液、有助纾缓的薰衣草花和香甜舒心的零陵香精萃,这个梦幻的润肤乳将带你进入甜美的梦乡。既浓郁又甜腻的花香仿如一杯加上奶油的热饮。公平贸易...
Daniel Boan