Country CodeZM Country NameZambia Zone NameAfrica/Lusaka AbbreviationCAT GMT OffsetUTC + 02:00 Daylight Saving TimeNo Current TimeSunday, 23 February 2025, 23:48:30CAT DST Changes AfterThursday, 31 December, 1908 11:59:59 PM: Clocks were movedbackwardto becomeThursday, 31 December, 1908 11:...
物流工具 赞比亚机场三字代码 赞比亚-卢萨卡国际机场(Lusaka International Airport)三字代码 机场三字代码LUNICAOFLLS 机场名卢萨卡国际机场 / Lusaka International Airport城市卢萨卡 / Lusaka 区域/国家赞比亚 / Zambia 时区02:00洲Africa 海关机场是 银行信息...
港口名称 卢萨卡港口英文 lusaka港口代码 ZMLUN 所属国家中文 赞比亚所属国家英文 Zambia所属航线 东非线卢萨卡(Lusaka)是非洲东南部内陆国赞比亚的首都和第一大城市,位于赞比亚的东南部,海拔约1400米的高原之上。平均海拔1280米。全国工商业中心,农产品的重要集散地。
所属国家中文赞比亚所属国家英文Zambia所属航线东非线 卢萨卡(Lusaka)是非洲东南部内陆国赞比亚的首都和第一大城市,位于赞比亚的东南部,海拔约1400米的高原之上。平均海拔1280米。全国工商业中心,农产品的重要集散地。 由于赞比亚是一盛产铜矿的内陆国,卢萨卡有铁路通往邻国坦桑尼亚以运铜出口,而有“铜都”之誉。
Zambia is landlocked and inward, it was colonized late. Afterward the Portuguese, the British arrived in the region and colonized it. Their main purpose was to extract as many minerals as they could. The British maintained their hold till 1964 when the country and its people retained their ...
Location: Lusaka Province, Central Zambia, Zambia, Southern Africa, Africa View on OpenStreetMapLatitude-15.4163° or 15° 24' 59" south Longitude28.2818° or 28° 16' 55" east Population1,740,000 Elevation1,277 metres (4,190 feet) IATA airport codeLUN United Nations Location CodeZM...
Country Zambia Alternative Names LUN, Lousaka, Louzaka, Lusaca, Lusak, Lusaka, Lusako, Lúsaka, Lûsaka, lu sa ka, lu sha ka, lucakka, lusaka, lwsaka, lwsqh, lwwsaka, rusaka, Λουσάκα, Лусака, Լուսակա, לוסאקא, לוס...
, so restoring its function as the capital of the newly founded country. an ambitious building campaign that changed the city defined the years following independence. new airports connected lusaka with world locations, the prestigious university of zambia was established, and government buildings were...
The ZCAS University is an university in Lusaka Province, Zambia which is located on Dedan Kimathi Road. The ZCAS University is situated nearby to the college Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies, as well as near the government office Mukuba Pension House....
(Zambia) opened its doors in 2000. It currently services and maintains 1300 vehicle fire suppression systems throughout Zambia, and is the only company authorised to install, service and maintain the ANSUL LTA-101 vehicle fire suppression systems in the country. Apart from vehicle maintenance, ...