A patient is classified as lupus nephritis if they have any match for the regex patterns, ICD 9/10 codes, or laboratory test of interest (see Additional file 1: Table S1, S2). For the other three NLP models, we implemented an L2-regularized logistic regression classifier. We chose L2-...
Def1 (least stringent) that only requires at least one count of SLE ICD codes; Def6 (intermediate) that requires at least two separate counts of SLE ICD codes, and excludes patients with systemic sclerosis or dermatomyositis ICD codes, and Def12 (most stringent) that requires at least four ...
We identified patients aged 18 to 65 years with prevalent SLE (≥3 visits ≥30 days apart with ICD-9 codes of 710.0) and prevalent LN (≥ICD-9 codes for nephritis, proteinuria and/or renal failure on or after SLE diagnosis, ≥30 days apart). We defined serious bacterial, viral, fungal...
Lupus nephritis, as indicated by SLICC to be indicative of a positive SLE diagnosis in the presence of positive ANA, was the 25th most important CUI according to Table 5, showing that CUIs are capturing data pertinent to the classification of SLE [15]. Additionally, the table revealed ...
In B6.Nba2 congenic lupus mice, Tlr9 deletion led to accelerated lupus with an increased production of anti-nuclear antibodies and augmented lupus nephritis, while disease progression in the Tlr7/9 double-deficient mice was restored to a comparable or even slightly improved level as the parental ...
4.1.4. Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG) EGCG is a bioactive polyphenol from green tea and a known Nrf2 inducer [103]. Its role in lupus nephritis was examined in NZB/W F1 mice where it reduced proteinuria, serum BUN and creatinine, and nephritis without altering glomerular IgG deposition or...