Lupins do not come true to type from seed, so lupins grown from seed are likely to flower in a mix of colours. Lupins can be divided in spring (not autumn) but division can be tricky as plants have a strong central tap root. The easiest way to propagate lupins is by taking basal cu...
(Plants) any leguminous plant of the genusLupinus,of North America, Europe, and Africa, with large spikes of brightly coloured flowers and flattened pods [C14: from Latinlupīnuswolfish (see lupine); from the belief that the plant ravenously exhausted the soil] ...
The Lupinus are a large genus of handsome plants, represented in Europe, Asia and North and South America, the poisonous properties of which are apparently very irregularly and unequally distributed. A number of the species are cultivated only as ornamental plants, but others are grown for ...
plants in relation to cropping, time of emergence and chemical control During consecutive seasons, wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum L.) seedling emergence decreased exponentially with increasing time after the emergence of l... FD Panetta,DJ Gilbey,MF D'Antuono - 《Australian Journal of ...
Gungurru, were grown in 6 field experiments in Australia in which plots were sown with healthy seed or seed that carried 0.5-5% infection with cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV). Seed-infected plants were the primary source for subsequent virus spread by aphids. The rate of CMV spread and ...
(NAA), but phenotypic diversity and the rate of morphological diversification are both highest within the Andes, with spectacular variation in plant habit and size, showing a 100-fold variation in plant height and ranging from minute prostrate mat-forming plants less than 5 cm tall, to acaule...
they are all very easy to grow from seed. Dahlias These are sturdy plants bearing showy flowers in a wide range of rather gaudy colors. Sow in a frame in April and plant the seedlings out when frosts are over. Dahlias flower throughout the summer and into the autumn. When autumn frosts...
Potosi plants, either well watered (ww) or subjected to a water-stress period (imposed from the 15th to 35th day after anthesis). Protein content from lupin seeds was 450 and 320gkg1 of seed on dry weight basis, for ww plants, respectively, of L. albus and L. mutabilis. Water stress...
Neutron radiography of water flow into the roots of transpiring plants growing in soil Where and how fast does water flow from soil into roots? The answer to this question requires direct and in situ measurement of local flow of water into ro... M Zarebanadkouki,YX Kim,A Carminati - 《...