We arrived at University Hospitals and pulled into the Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital driveway, a roundabout I have driven through many times before but for a very different reason than the present. In the past, here is where I would surrender myself for weeks upon weeks of IVs an...
After all 4 of the patients that were taken off chemo relapped, the doctors have all advised me to stay on chemo as long as my body will tolerate it. My buddy patient #5 received 32 rounds before coming off. As I’ve said, I’ve received 45 rounds. Two weeks ago, I asked my do...
At the end of the experiment we looked at the lung structure of the baby mice. All the newborn mice that were exposed to oxygen developed bronchopulmonary dysplasia to some extent, but the mice whose mothers were exposed to antibiotics developed more severe disease. In fact, mi...
showing fully mature circulating neutrophils (Fig.3D, E). Interestingly, a significantly increased fraction of the mature neutrophils in LTx patients were characterized
HRP-labeled secondary antibody was used at a dilution of 1:2000. Blots were developed using ProSignal® Dura ECL Reagent (Cat# 20-301B, Prometheus Protein Biology Products) and visualized using a ChemiDoc Imaging System (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). Band intensity was quantified using ...
In the generation of scaffolds, a multitude of different technologies has been developed, such as decellularization for biological scaffolds and advanced manufacturing processes such as casting, cryogelation, microfabrication, and electrospinning techniques for synthetic scaffolds (Figure 1) [12]. Upcoming...