Air trapping, often attested in humans by elevated residual volume (RV) and ratio of RV on total lung capacity (RV/TLC), is frequently observed in asthma. Confirming these alterations in experimental asthma would be important for translational purposes. Herein, lung volumes were investigated in a...
However, in individuals with airflow obstruction, the FVC maneuver causes gas trapping and thus is smaller than the SVC. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION 74 CHAPTER 2 Lung Volumes Table 2.1 Lung Volume Compartments and Their Status for Obstructive, Restrictive, ...
Lung Volumes Because theFVCis not a reliable measure oftotal lung capacity,spirometrycan only suggest a restrictive process and, in general, should be followed up by lung volume measurement. The algorithm for lung volume interpretation is shown inFigure 9. When spirometry suggests a restrictive proc...
At an early stage, during the first year after transplantation, subtle features such as reduction of peripheral bronchovascular markers, thickening of the septal lines, and decreased lung volumes may suggest the diagnosis even before clinical changes appear. Mid-term features are represented by ...
Some studies suggest that early asymptomatic airway obstructive disorders may be associated with decreased maximal flow at low lung volumes,26 but sufficient numbers of anatomic studies that correlate findings in patients with emphysema and with central and peripheral airway lesions are not available.17...
The authors concluded that these findings could suggest that when improving airway characteristics like decreasing airway wall thickness and increasing the airway lumen, this resulted in less air trapping and an improvement in clinical outcomes. Comparative Outcomes of Lung Volume Reduction Surgery and ...
However, two smaller European studies suggest that lung transplantation for COPD did improve survival, albeit to a lesser extent when compared to other diagnoses (De Meester et el 2001; Charman et al 2002). The disparity between these studies may come from the fact that the European centers ...
These findings suggest that at least part of the increased maximal lung volumes is related to increased alveolar distensibility. Together, these pressure volume findings, biochemical studies, and morphometric analyses indicate that a major effect of betamethasone on the rhesus fetal lung is to alter ...
Current concepts suggest that most lung abscesses occur as a complication of aspiration pneumonia and are often attributed to anaerobic organisms from the gingival crevices of the oral cavity. Patients typically present with indolent onset of fever, malaise, night sweats, weight loss, cough, ...
Air trapping, causing increased lung hyperinflation, can be present even in milder COPD during everyday activities. The resulting activity-related dyspnoea leads to a vicious spiral of activity avoidance, physical deconditioning, and reduced quality of life, and has implications for the early ...