Blaha is most concerned that more teenagers are taking up vaping as a habit. "It\s one thing if you change from cigarette smoking to vaping. It\s quite another thing to start up nicotine use with vaping. And it often leads to using traditional tobacco products down the road " he said....
Viral and bacterial infections can increase your risk and lead to both short-term and long-term lung problems and lung damage. Viral and bacterial infections can lead to bronchitis and pneumonia. For example, difficult cases of influenza, coronavirus, or even the common cold in those with compro...
Although popcorn lung is an incredibly rare disease, the early symptoms are similar to a common cold. Over a period of weeks or months, those symptoms progress and become more severe. Eventually the diseasecauses a variety of severe problemswith breathing and absorption of oxygen. Untreated, popc...
And, like Pipe, she is concerned that vaping can lead to subsequent cigarette use in teens. Ottawa Public Health is working with teens who can provide information to others and become advocates against vaping. “We found that it was very effective with cigarettes. “ ...
vaping in Minnesota continue to increase," the department's medical director and state epidemiologist, Ruth Lynfield, M.D., said in the statement. "We are encouraging providers and parents to be on the lookout for vaping as a cause for unexplained breathing problems and lung injury and disease...
Heart attack or heart problems Lung or respiratory failure Mental health or behavior issues Nicotine poisoning Pregnancy complication or birth defects Seizures Suicidal thoughts or attempts Stroke Other complications TorHoerman Law represents previous non-smokers who believe they have vaping lung. These ind...
There are a lot of ways to use weed. One of the more popular ways is to vape. Vaping marijuana can lead to several health problems.
A mysterious lung disease tied to vaping has killed at least 12 people in the U.S. Here's what the CDC says about the vaping health risks, what may be causing the vaping lung disease, what states it's been found in and how you can protect yourself right
Many who suffer vaping-related lung damage will have long-term health problems lasting at least a year, a new study reports. A substantial proportion of patients continue to be wracked with breathing difficulty, brain fog andmood disordersa year after their initial diagnosis withEVALI (E-Cigarette...