Zuckerman tied the epidemic of lung injuries to the case of Chance Ammirata, the young Florida man who hasblamed his collapsed lung on vaping the JUUL. There is no evidence that Ammirata’s problem was caused by vaping, let alone part of the current epidemic. This is just one of many e...
inflammation happens and the air sacs fill up with stuff. so this white stuff in this x-ray really is the injury caused by vaping. so this means there's fluid inside the air sacs. you can't move oxygen and carbon dioxide through fluid. they're gases. it makes it hard to breathe bec...
There has never been a proven case of popcorn lung caused by vaping, although there have been many news stories thatsuggestvaping can cause it. There’s no evidence to support vaping as a cause of popcorn lung, in anyvaping studiesor otherwise, but maybe diacetyl exposure from cigarette smoki...
As you know, chronic inflammation can lower your immune function, make you more susceptible for upper-respiratory infections that can increase the risk of short- and long-term lung problems, and increase your risk of chronic health issues, including allergies, asthma, chronic bronchitis, lung disea...
There is currently not enough evidence to determine whether vaping, or the use of e-cigs, causes lung cancer. Vaping is known to introduce chemicals into the lung tissue, so there is a possibility that it also increases cancer risk. While smoking marijuana has not been linked to lung cancer...
Many who suffer vaping-related lung damage will have long-term health problems lasting at least a year, a new study reports. A substantial proportion of patients continue to be wracked with breathing difficulty, brain fog andmood disordersa year after their initial diagnosis withEVALI (E-Cigarette...
While symptoms and health risks of vaping such as addiction, nicotine poisoning, and respiratory damage have been well documented, a Canadian teen was reportedly hospitalized because of a newfound vaping-related condition known as popcorn lung. The illness is caused by inhaling vapors of the chemical...
A mysterious lung disease tied to vaping has killed at least 12 people in the U.S. Here's what the CDC says about the vaping health risks, what may be causing the vaping lung disease, what states it's been found in and how you can protect yourself right
to treat very early spread to the brain (called micrometastasis) that is not yet detectable with CT or MRI scans and has not yet produced symptoms. This is known as prophylactic brain radiation. Brain radiation therapy can cause short-term memoryproblems, fatigue,nausea, and other side effects...
to treat very early spread to the brain (called micrometastasis) that is not yet detectable with CT or MRI scans and has not yet produced symptoms. This is known as prophylactic brain radiation. Brain radiation therapy can cause short-term memoryproblems, fatigue,nausea, and other side effects...