Persisting structural lung abnormalities after covid-19 pneumonia seem to be infrequent. Eighty four people who had survived covid-19 pneumonia severe enough to require hospitalisation, but not severe enough to need intubation or mechanical ventilation, were investigated using high resolution computed ...
Autopsies of deceased COVID-19 patients and studies of patients with end-stage lung disease from COVID-19 have found a range of serious lung problems, the researchers noted. "Further research is still needed on why some patients recover completely, and others don't. Our study shows ...
said: "Many COVID-19 patients are still experiencing breathlessness several months after being discharged from hospital, despite their CT scans indicating that their lungs are functioning
covid-19肺部声音 也就是说: 新型冠状病毒的肺部声音
Long-term implications of these lung changes remain unclear, but the results warrant further surveillance of persistent lung damage in children and adolescents after COVID-19, Dr. Knieling said. Lung MRI is already widely available, he noted, making these imaging approaches easy to integrate into...
The new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared responsible for a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. It created, since its emergence, a special concern in neonates given their immature immune system and their frequent contact with caregivers.Mono...
with chronic underlying diseases, such as chronic hypertension, diabetes, and liver and kidney problems, as well as people with lower immunity, such as patients with blood diseases, patients after organs transplant, and patients taking hormones for a long time and with the affected immune system....
Extensive experiments on our COVIDSemiSeg and real CT volumes demonstrate that the proposed Inf-Net outperforms most cutting-edge segmentation models and advances the state-of-the-art performance. 展开 关键词: COVID-19 CT image infection segmentation semi-supervised learning ...
The male patient, 59, was diagnosed with COVID-19 on Jan. 26 and had several negative nucleic acid test results after going through trachea cannula, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support and medication, yet suffered irreversible pulmonary disfunction, the hospital said. ...
JAMA:We do not yet have data about long-term survival for patients with lung transplants for COVID-19, but can you tell us about typical survival rates after lung transplant? Dr Bharat:Of all the lung transplants performed in the US, both single and double transplants, the 30-day surviv...