CT scan of the chest and abdomen: An X-ray machine linked to a computer takes a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body from different angles. The doctor may inject a dye into a vein. They may have you take a substance called a contrast agent by mouth. It helps your org...
Childhood interstitial lung diseases (chILDs) encompass a diverse group of disorders with a high mortality rate and severe respiratory morbidities. Recent
Some features were more reproducible when they were extracted from a CT scan performed at a longer time after contrast injection. The quantitative imaging features tested here are mostly reproducible and show little dependency on the time after contrast injection. 展开 关键词: Quantitative imaging ...
Target volumes were re-contoured on contrast-enhanced CT and then transferred to non-contrast CT. Critical organs were then identified and contoured. Initially, 28 patients were discussed. After the target volume measurements, 8 patients with ≥500 and ≤1000 cc PTV volumes were excluded from the...
Axial CT image without contrast (slice thickness of 1.5 mm) of a 64-year-old lady shows bilateral GGOs in the lower lobes and fine reticular opacities (white circle) with subpleural sparing, compatible with non-subpleural ILAs Full size image Fig. 2 a, b Axial CT images without contrast ...
Whole-body PET scans had been acquired using three different models of PET/CT scanners (Siemens Biograph 16, Philips Gemini GXL, Philips Gemini TF16) with full-dose contrast-enhanced or low-dose non-contrast-enhanced CT for attenuation correction and anatomical co-registration. Image acquisition ...
结论利用CT检查,可以详细观察病变及其周围情况,对肺结核空洞与肺癌空洞的鉴别诊断具有 重要意义。 【关键词】肺结核;肺癌;空洞;CT 中图分类号:R521文献标识码:B文章编号:1671-8194(2013)11-0421-02 ContrastAnalysisofCTbetweenLungTuberculousCavityandLungCarcinomatousCavity NINGLiu-jin,LIGuang-yu,PENGHuan-hua ...
Interstitial pneumonia is a heterogeneous disease with a progressive course and poor prognosis, at times even worse than those in the main cancer types. Histopathological examination is crucial for its diagnosis and estimation of prognosis. However, the evaluation strongly depends on the experience of ...
Although X-Ray scanners demonstrate higher accessibility, most COVID-19 subjects show bilateral pulmonary parenchymal ground-class opacities and lung consolidation with a rounded morphology [5], making it difficult to distinguish COVID-19 infection from CXR scans. In contrast, 3D chest CT is ...
Patients with chronic lung disease (CLD) have an increased risk for severe coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) and poor outcomes. Here, we analyze the transcriptomes of 611,398 single cells isolated from healthy and CLD lungs to identify molecular characte