Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can have serious side effects, especially because these 2 treatments affect healthy as well as cancerous cells. Typical side effects include nausea, vomiting, hair loss, mouth sores, and fatigue. For more information American Cancer Society 800/ACS-2345 http://www...
Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can have serious side effects, especially because these two treatments affect healthy as well as cancerous cells. Typical side effects include nausea, vomiting, hair loss, mouth sores, and fatigue. FOR MORE INFORMATION American Cancer Society 800/ACS-2345 www.canc...
If your doctor diagnoses you with lung cancer, they’ll recommend you get other exams and tests to find out whether the cancer has spread (metastasized) to other organs. These tests help determine the stage of the cancer. Staging is important because lung cancer treatment is based on the sta...
Surgery did not cure lung cancer. Treatments received in the cancer hospital also did not cure lung cancer. My second lesson about lung cancer came a few years later when the mother of my student underwent radiotherapy for her lung cancer. Yes, I encouraged her to go for the treatment. Aft...
Cancer is an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of the cells in the body. These abnormal cells kill the normal cells of the body and disrupt the normal body functions. Lung cancer may spread to the lymph nodes or other organs in the body that commonly include the liver, bones, brain and adr...
LUNG cancerCANCER patientsFUNCTIONAL statusQUALITY of lifeBackground: Lung cancer may cause severe impairment of quality of life. An increasing number of lung cancer patients are receiving outpatient chemotherapy. However, little is known about gender aspects in the areas of impaired QoL ...
The majority of anti-cancer therapeutics are effective at killing fast-growing cancer cells, but at a price – they also negatively affect other cells with a high proliferation rate, including hair follicles, gut mucosa, thrombocytes,red blood cellsand leukocytes. Therefore, patients undergoing st...
Her final assessment is that DS-1062a likely slowed down the pace of my cancer. However, given both the difficult side effects and the modest response, she agreed that it makes sense to give something else a go. Not gonna lie, it’s always a bit scary moving from one treatment to anot...
You’ve heard of chemotherapy. You know that one of its most tell-tale side effects is losing your hair. The reason that happens? The powerful medications used in chemotherapy kill normal, healthy cells right along with cancer cells. Unfortunately, there’s no cell discrimination here. Chemo ...
EtiologyandpathogenesisGeneticsusceptibilityInactivityoftumorsuppressorgene:p53,p16,RBActivityofoncogene:rasgene,mycgeneDietDietlowinvitaminAandits’derivative,caroteneandrelatedcompounds---relatedtolungcancer7 PathologyandclassificationClassifiedbaseonanatomyCentrallungcancerCanceroccursfromsegmentalbronchustoprimarybronchus...