One of the deep learning algorithms is the convolutional neural network (CNN) and in this paper, different deep CNN based models are proposed for lungs cancer detection. The experiments are performed using dataset acquired from Data Science Bowl 2017 (KDSB17). The dataset consists of 6691 LDCT ...
Lung cancer represents a significant global health challenge, transcending demographic boundaries of age, gender, and ethnicity. Timely detection stands as
Quantitative imaging biomarkers (QIB) are increasingly used in clinical research to advance precision medicine approaches in oncology. Computed tomography (CT) is a modality of choice for cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and response assessment due to its re
Although there are medical image datasets available, more image datasets are needed from a variety of medical entities, especially cancer pathology. Even more scarce are ML-ready image datasets. To address this need, we created an image dataset (LC25000) with 25,000 color images in 5 classes....
This research designed and developed pre-trained models, including ConvNeXtSmall, VGG16, ResNet50, InceptionV3, and EfficientNetB0, to classify lung cancer. The dataset was divided into four classes, consisting of 338 images of adenocarcinoma, 187 images of large cell carcinoma, 260 images of ...
A complete understanding of how exposure to environmental substances promotes cancer formation is lacking. More than 70 years ago, tumorigenesis was proposed to occur in a two-step process: an initiating step that induces mutations in healthy cells, f
To improve radiologist's performance in lesion detection and diagnosis on 3D medical image dataset, we have conducted a pilot study to test viability and efficiency of the stereo display for lung nodule detection and classification. Using our previously developed stereo compositing methods, stereo image...
Borkowski, A. al. Lung and colon cancer histopathological image dataset (lc25000), Mehmood, al. Malignancy detection in lung and colon histopathology images using transfer learning with class selective image processing.IEEE Access10, 256...
The minimum dataset is available on the GitHub repository of this project: Philippe Lambin should be addressed...
To evaluate the performance of the DeepGEM model, a retrospective multicentre study was done using the current largest multicentre Asian dataset, collected from 16 hospitals located in diverse regions of China, and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) public dataset curated from multiple countries....