More results ► Thesaurus browser ? ▲ lunar eclipse lunar excursion module lunar latitude lunar module lunar month lunar time period lunar year Lunaria Lunaria annua lunate lunate bone lunatic lunatic fringe lunation lunch lunch meat lunch meeting lunch period luncheon luncheon meat luncheon meeting ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook lunchtime (redirected fromlunchtimes) Thesaurus lunch·time (lŭnch′tīm′) n. The time during which lunch is usually eaten. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company....
but this doesn’t mean you’re condemned to undergo facial surgery if you feel pressured to fit in today’s beauty standards. Instead, you can try a revolutionary procedure that provides amazing results, takes only a couple of hours, is...
Think small.You don’t have to persuade yourself to do everything on your list; you only have to persuade yourself to do the NEXT thing. Sort by due date with only a few things due every day. You’ll start seeing the payoffs from these little changes right away. Ready for more drama...
Options Search Search by... Keyword Title Author Subject Publisher Results should have... All of these words Any of these words This exact phrase None of these words Keyword searches may also use the operators AND, OR, NOT, “”, ( ) ...
Solast timeI put up a table of how the various armies performed (on average) at theETC in Serbia. There were some interesting results, and today’s post follows up that line of thinking bycomparing the popularity of army choices with their score rank. Popularity in this case just means ...
lunchtime- the customary or habitual hour for eating lunch; "he observed a regular lunchtime" lunch period mealtime- the hour at which a meal is habitually or customarily eaten Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...