New Year's Day Celebrating the New Year Jan.1 Jan.1 Chinese Spring Festival Eve The day before the Spring Festival: family gathering for a reunion dinner, cleaning and decorating houses, setting firecrackers, etc. Feb.9 Jan.28 Chinese Spring Festival Family gathering and festivities for 3-15...
Lenovo Lunar New Year sale: Tablets We want to celebrate the Lunar New Year sale in style with you. This is the best time of year to pick up an amazing offer on a sleek new Lenovo tablet. Drop what you’re doing and come see our selection during the Lenovo Tablet Lunar New Year ...
whichbecamethefirstyearofthefirstcycleof 60years.Aperiodof180yearsiscalledagrandcycleandcorrespondstothreecyclesof 60years(calledinferiorcycle,mediancycle,andsuperiorcycle)andthustonineperiodsof 20years.Thecurrentgrandcycle,the26thone,startedonFebruary4,1864,andwilllastuntilFebruary3,2044.Theperiodof1984...
#define year_2099 QScopedPointer<LunarCalendarInfo> LunarCalendarInfo::self; LunarCalendarInfo *LunarCalendarInfo::Instance() { if (self.isNull()) { static QMutex mutex; QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); if (self.isNull()) { self.reset(new LunarCalendarInfo); } } retur...
Phew! Our eyes and thoughts have been cast so far out into the outer reaches of the solar system following New Horizons and Pluto this week, that we're just now getting to the astronomical action going on in our own backyard.
turningthelunarcalendar andtheweek #defineucharunsignedchar #defineuintunsignedint #include* TheGregoriancalendarcorrespondstothreebytesoflunar calendareachyear, BIT7-4saidthefirstbyteformatleapmonth,avalueof0for nonleap,BIT3-0correspondstothesizeoflunar1-41 ThesecondbyteBIT7-0correspondstothesizeofthe5-...