因此,韩国人完全没有掌握中国历法中的精髓,他们认为中国农历就是阴历(lunar calendar),他们用阴历新年也就是中国用的农历新年,所以才会出现外文翻译的错误“Lunar New Year”,Lunar意思是月球的;月亮的;月球表面的;以月球公转测度的;太阴的;银的;含银的,仅仅代表阴,所以“Lunar New Year”也仅仅只能代表阴历新年。
实际上,虽然庆祝春节的,远不止咱们中国一家,但相较lunar new year,Chinese lunar new year毫无争议的更能代表春节。 科学地看,Chinese New Year比Lunar New Year的范畴要小,算是后者的一个子集。 因为,任何一个民族和相应的文化群体,他们自己大多都有各自的Lunar calendar。 比如,印度人的Lunar New Year就是其...
“韩国傻嘚儿 农历是中国自1970年完善使用的纪年法(之前叫夏历)是阳历和阴历的结合版,规则由南京紫金山天文台制定,哪一天过年是紫金山天文台说了算,没有我们中国,他们哪一天过年都不知道。既然非要跟我们过同一天,就给我们好好叫Chinese new year,叫个屁的lunar new year!真的想过lunar new year 就打开lunar...
我就记得我小学的时候翻译也有教的lunar new year…新闻和各种对骂看得我一脸茫然 @纯洁的万事屋 lunar new year的事情很简单如果国家不强大连春节怎么叫都不由我们说了算顺便说一句lunar new year还是我们的说法1970年之前,农历的翻译确实是lunar ...展开全文c ...
是1970年咱们自己新攒的崭新的紫金山农历,不管哪个国家,你只要跟我们过节,那就必须是chinese new ...
New Year's Day Celebrating the New Year Jan.1 Jan.1 Chinese Spring Festival Eve The day before the Spring Festival: family gathering for a reunion dinner, cleaning and decorating houses, setting firecrackers, etc. Feb.9 Jan.28 Chinese Spring Festival Family gathering and festivities for 3-15...
1982: Your personal relationships are very good. If you are single, this may be a good year for you to wed. Your work and income will be stable. 1970: At a senior position, you build very good relationships with your subordinates by guiding them. Hence you earn a good reputation for ...
Observed for centuries,Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, is closely linked to theChinese New Year, and is marked by the changing of the zodiac animal to represent the year ahead. Beginning on Feb. 10, 2024 marksthe Year of the Dragon. A central figure in Chinese culture, the dragon re...
Lunar New Year marks the start of the start of the year for many Asian communities which traditionally have used the lunar calendar. Every year, it is celebrated with weeks of fireworks, parades, and private moments of housecleaning and preparation for the year ahead. ...
一些人认为把农历新年称为“Chinese New Year”是对他人感受的漠不关心(insensitive),因为好多其他文化...