Lunar Lander is a game where you are given control of a landing craft that attempts to land on the Moon. Lunar gravity is applied, so the lander gradually falls and would crash against the rough surface. The player must apply thrust from the main thruster and rotate the spacecraft to navi...
An excellent example of UK-based terrestrial biomedical application is the utilisation (funded by the Wellcome Trust—a major biomedical charity; Wellcome 2007) of a miniaturised gas chromatograph mass spectrometer developed for Beagle 2 (the British Mars lander) as a tool to detect Marsian life fo...
In this intricate web of objectives, one must consider not just the brevity of the path but also the safety of the rover, its speed, and the quality of its communication with the lander. Game theory, a mathematical study of interactions between rational decision makers, emerges as a potent ...