Lunar Eclipse (Total)Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, West in North America, East in South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica 9月21日 (日) Solar Eclipse (Partial)South in Australia, Pacific, Atlantic, Antarctica Eclipses in 2026 2月17日 (二) Solar Eclipse (Annular...
When are the next solar and lunar eclipses for your city, state, or country? Solar Eclipses All About Solar Eclipses Did you know there are four kinds? What Is a Total Solar Eclipse? It happens about every 18 months. What Is an Annular Eclipse?
When is the Next Eclipse? Dates for Lunar Eclipses and Dates for Solar Eclipses with changeable time zones.
Though lunar eclipses and solar eclipses happen with the same frequency (about 4 to 7 times a year, in total), it’s rare to see a solar eclipse since they are only visible from a small area of Earth each time. Once again, note that solar eclipses require eye protection to be view...
Not all eclipses are the same. There are a few different ways for lunar and solar eclipses to happen: Atotal eclipse(of either the Moon or the Sun) occurs when the Moon or Sun is entirely blocked out. During atotal lunar eclipse, the Moon is completely obscured by the dark center of...
Lunar Eclipse – September 17, 2024 Solar Eclipse – April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse Horoscopes Lunar Eclipse – March 25, 2024 Or, skip to The meaning of eclipses in the houses Upcoming Eclipse Dates: Table Lunation (or New Moon and Full Moon) charts have been used by Mundane Astrologers fo...
This the main EclipseWise Eclipse page. It contains links maps and tables for 5,000 years of solar and lunar eclipses and includes information on eclipse photography, observing tips and eye safety information.
Solar and lunar eclipses—astronomical events that occur when the Earth, the sun and the moon are aligned—have figured prominently in human history. Striking
Solar eclipses might snatch away the familiar temporarily, forcing us to consider options we would never otherwise explore. Although this can cause upheaval, eclipses are “cruel to be kind.” Major growth can happen during these cosmic power outages. This is when we should leap into new (an...
eclipse phenomenon in 2019. There will be 3 Solar Eclipses and 2 Lunar Eclipses in 2019. First Solar Eclipse will occur on 6 January 2019, followed by Lunar Eclipse on 21 January 2019. After that, second Solar Eclipse will be seen on 2 July 2019, and second and last Lunar Eclipse of...