Refactoring is a reality, specially when developing big and long lasting applications. The benefits from Client-Side applications are very clear to us but the number of frameworks and their updates rain on us every week. We might feel tempted to test or do proof of concepts on different platfo...
disable-inline-javascript-for-security do-not-break-dependant-modules do-not-let-cypress-cache-snowball do-not-let-npm-cache-snowball do-not-use-node-env-for-staging do-not-use-sha docker-user dont-help-me-say-no drive-by-testing-array-explorer drive-wedge-into-...
(id 1) root: /home/my-user/workspace/canary filetypes: python cmd: /home/my-user/.local/share/nvim/lspinstall/python/node_modules/.bin/pyright-langserver --stdio Client: efm (id 2) root: /home/my-user/workspace/canary filetypes: lua, python, javascriptreact, javascript, typescript, ...
因为我们要配置的是lunarvim,是基于neovim的一套配置, (也就是说这里的dap配置完全适用于neovim) 所以此处的Development Tools便是neovim, 并且实际客户端(与Debugger进行通信)是nvim-dap, 下面是nvim-dap的原理图 DAP-Client --- Debug Adapter --- Debugger --- Debugee (nvim-dap) | (per language) | ...
const{VITE_STRIPE_PK}= import.meta.env const stripe = Stripe(VITE_STRIPE_PK) const stripeElements = ref({}) const buildForm = async () =>{const{data}= await"api/payment-intent") stripeElements.value = stripe.elements({clientSecret:data.client_secret,}) const paymentElement ...
(id 1) root: /home/my-user/workspace/canary filetypes: python cmd: /home/my-user/.local/share/nvim/lspinstall/python/node_modules/.bin/pyright-langserver --stdio Client: efm (id 2) root: /home/my-user/workspace/canary filetypes: lua, python, javascriptreact, javascript, typescript, ...
(id 1) root: /home/my-user/workspace/canary filetypes: python cmd: /home/my-user/.local/share/nvim/lspinstall/python/node_modules/.bin/pyright-langserver --stdio Client: efm (id 2) root: /home/my-user/workspace/canary filetypes: lua, python, javascriptreact, javascript, typescript, ...
{ -- Utilities to improve the TypeScript development experience for Neovim's built-in LSP client "jose-elias-alvarez/nvim-lsp-ts-utils", ft = { "javascript", "javascriptreact", "javascript.jsx", "typescript", "typescriptreact", "typescript.tsx", }, disable = true }, { -- Pretty ...
In a TLS client, this can be triggered by connecting to a malicious server. In a TLS server, this can be triggered if the server requests client authentication and a malicious client connects. Fixed in OpenSSL 3.0.7 (Affected 3.0.0,3.0.1,3.0.2,3.0.3,3.0.4,3.0.5,3.0.6). NCSC-NL...
TheWebcam.snap()function delivers your image by way of a client-side JavaScript Data URI. The binary image data is encoded with Base64 and stuffed into the URI. You can use this image in JavaScript and display it on your page. However, the library also provides a way to decode and sub...