Most of the world uses the Gregorian, or Western, calendar, which is based on the time it takes for the Earth to revolve around the sun. In this system, every year has 12 months, each lasting 30 or 31 days with the exception of February. Because it takes 365 days, 5 hours, 48 min...
Most of the world uses the Gregorian, or Western, calendar, which is based on the time it takes for the Earth to revolve around the sun. In this system, every year has 12 months, each lasting 30 or 31 days with the exception of February. Because it takes 365 days, 5 hours, 48 min...
Lunar to Gregorian Calendar Converter Many traditional Chinese festivals are still determined by the Lunar calendar (see Table 1). By knowing the corresponding western calendar date, you can pick the right time to visit the Chinese communities and celebrate these festivals with the Chinese. ...
Chinese Calendar 2025 (year of the snake from January 29, 2025 to February 16, 2026) provides lunar dates, auspicious dates and public holidays in 2025
Moon Phases for Cape Bojador, Western Sahara in 2024 Showing moon phases for: LunationNew MoonFirst QuarterFull MoonThird QuarterDuration 1249 1月4日 (四) 4時30分 29d 12h 25m 1250 1月11日 (四) 12時57分 1月18日 (四) 4時52分 1月25日 (四) 18時54分 2月3日 (六) 0時18分 29...
The cycle changes to a new animal each year at the Chinese New Year, which falls between January 21 and February 20 on the Gregorian calendar, and the order of animals restarts after going through the cycle of 12 animals. Unlike the Western zodiac system, which is based on months named ...
Calendar:As a "calendar", this program displays, prints and converts Chinese-Lunar/Western calendar dates for the years from 1600 to 2100. It also provides Chinese and western Horoscopes. NEW:天干地支 "Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches" Information(TianGan DiZhi) information is added into the...
Western-Gregorian and Chinese-Lunar Calendar Converter Convert solar to lunarConvert lunar to solar Astronomical CalendarChina Civil Calendar (only for east longitude 120 degree) Time ZoneCHINAESTCSTMSTPSTYSTHST0123456789101112-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12PST ...
the lunar years of the rooster in the western calendar 就是在说中国的鸡年啦。lunar year是阴历的意思。
support to Year 2100, release 2.1.3 Dec 19, 2018 View all files Java Chinese Calendar Introduction Java Chinese Calendaris a Java library of Chinese (lunar) calendar. It can convert date between Gregorian calendar(also called Western calendar) and Chinese calendar. Also, it can compute the wei...