The Apennines are a relic of a benchmark event in lunar history--the impact of an asteroid 3.85 billion years ago that blasted a basin 720 miles across and 35 miles deep. On the boundary of the mare, the front side of the Apennines slopes gently at a 20掳 angle. The back side of ...
The interpretation of gravity anomaly on lunar Apennines The lunar Apennines, located in the southeast of Mare Imbrium, is the largest range on the Moon. The gravity anomalies on profiles across the mountains rev... C Chen,C Bo,JS Ping,... - 《中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学(英文版)》 被...
Apennines Apollo Carpathians Caucasus Hevelius, Johannes highlands, lunar Imbrium Basin Maria mascon Moon Moon, surface features Orientale Basin References in classic literature ? From the time of Thales of Miletus, in the fifth century B.C., down to that of Copernicus in the fifteenth and Tycho...
LM-10Apollo 15Falcon26JUL1971Lunar landing at Hadley-Apennines. LM-11Apollo 16Orion16APR1972Lunar landing at Descartes. LM-12Apollo 17Challenger7DEC1972Lunar landing at Taurus-Littrow. LM-13---Not used. LM-14---Not used. LM-15---Not used...
Precisely these properties describe the terminal stages of lunar wrinkle ridges. For example, the furcating wrinkle ridge in Sinus Aestuum slices the Apennines in strike-slip faults as far as the ruined ring Marco Polo.doi:10.1038/199473a0FIELDERGILBERTSpringer NatureNature...
Characterization of active fault scarps from LiDAR data: a case study from Central Apennines (Italy) A high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM, 1 ms spacing) derived from an airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) campaign was used in an attempt ... CA Brunori,R Civico,FR Cinti,...
Nearby objects: the LM, the rover, and astronaut Jim are shifting relative to each other. The Apennines and the crater St. George are also moving as a whole. (Moreover, the shadow is changing on the mountains and the crater.)This finding indicates that it is less than 300 metres to th...
The Apennines are a relic of a benchmark event in lunar history--the impact of an asteroid 3.85 billion years ago that blasted a basin 720 miles across and 35 miles deep. On the boundary of the mare, the front side of the Apennin...
The lunar Apennines,located in the southeast of Mare Imbrium,is the largest range on the Moon. The gravity anomalies on profiles across the mountains reveal evidence of a great fault zone characteristic. The deep crustal structures of lunar Apennines are analyzed on the basis of topographic data ...
lunar Apenninestopography datatopographic excessshear stress60 kmlunar crustal viscositybroad negative regional anomalyHigh-resolution gravity and topography data taken over the Apennine Mountains have been used to compute their isostatic state. Results show that the Apennines are uncompensated; thus this ...