LUNAR AND PLANETARY SCIENCE CONFERENCE Thank you for staying in The Woodlands for the56th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.We are here to make sure you have a fantastic experience while at the conference and during your free time! From leisure activities to dining out with colleagues, you ...
Nature - the world's best science and medicine on your desktopdoi:10.1038/news060313-5Martine PidancierNature MedicineC. Schnabel, P. Ma, G.F. Herzog, T. Faestermann, K. Knie, G. Korschinek, Be-10, Al-26, and Mn-53 in martian meteorites, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, vol...
Robinson M S, Eliason E M, Hiesinger H, Jolliff B L, McEwen A S, Malin M C, Ravine M A, Roberts D, Thomas P C and Turtle E P 2005 LROC — Lunar Recon- naissance Orbiter Camera;Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI, Houston, TX, USA #1576. Shkuratov Y G, Kreslavsky M...
Every year since 1970, astronomers, geologists, geophysicists, and a host of other specialists have come together to participate in theLunar and Planetary Science Conference(LPCS). Jointly sponsored by the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) and NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC), this annual ev...
Papers on lunar and planetary science are presented, including petrogenesis and chemistry of lunar samples, geology and petrogenesis of the Apollo 15 landing site, lunar geology and applications, cratering records and cratering effects, differentiated meteorites, chondritic meteorites and asteroids, extrater...
Presents a summary of each paper presented at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference at the Johnson Space Center, Houston in March 1980. Topics relate ... TH Prettyman,WC Feldman,DJ Lawrence,... - "Submitted to: "32nd Lunar and planetary Science Conference, Houston, TX, March 12-16,...
Tuesday / 14 March 2023 LEAG Holding Town Hall Periphery Event at 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Interdisciplinary Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG), tasked with advising NASA HEOMD, SMD and NAC, to host hybridTown Hall16 March from 12:00-13:00 CDT at Houston-area convention...
H. in Tenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 493–507 (Pergamon, 1980). Yu, S. et al. Overturn of ilmenite-bearing cumulates in a rheologically weak lunar mantle. J. Geophys. Res. Planets 124, 418–436 (2019). Article ADS Google Scholar Holland, T. & Powell, R. An improved...
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In: Proceedings of the 7th lunar and planetary science conference, pp 1323–1344 Schmidt MW, Kraettli G (2022) Experimental crystallization of the lunar magma ocean, initial selenotherm and density stratification, and implications for crust formation, overturn and the bulk silicate moon composition. ...