RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Luna Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Lu·na (lo͞o′nə) n.Roman Mythology The goddess of the moon. [LatinLūna, fromlūna,moon; seeleuk-inIndo-European roots.] ...
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A half moon sailing like a moth up the drained blue sky —Jilly Cooper It looked like a ball of paper from the back pocket of jeans that have just come out of the washing machine, which only time and ironing would tell if it was an old shopping list or a five pound note —Douglas...
By the Light of the Luna MothThe article offers information on the luna moth, which can be spotted at night in the forested area from Nova Scotia and Manitoba to southern Florida and central Texas.Lopata, PegOdyssey
“lunacy”这个表示“疯狂”的词源自“Luna ”,是罗马神话中月光女神的拉丁名。 2. Thousands of people kissed simultaneously in the Plaza de laLunaof downtown Madrid at 8 pm Thursday night. 周四晚8点整,在西班牙首都马德里市中心的月亮广场上,数千人同时相拥而吻。
“We don’t know how many males are traveling to a female each night,” Rubin said. “It’s entirely possible she’s able to call in multiple suitors and potentially have her pick.” Rubin put this idea to the test, setting up mating experiments in which a female Luna moth was enclose...
•Mostmothsflyatnightandrestintheday.(A fewmothsflyinthedayoratdawnanddusk.) Butterfliesflyinthedayandrestatnight. •Mostmothslaytheirwingsflatwhentheyrest. Butterfliesholdtheirsupright. •Manymothswraptheirpupaeincocoons, whicharemadeofleaves(likelunamoths’)or ...
A luna moth sailed quietly through the night. 一只飞蛾静静地在夜空中滑过。 Luna turned her protuberant eyes upon him in surprise. 卢娜那双向外突出的眼睛惊讶地转向了他。 Really, it had been worth bringing Luna just for this. 真的,光为这个带卢娜来也值了。 I like Luna Brothers' Girls...
It’s rare to spot a luna moth in the wild. One reason is that they only come out at night, but another is that they are endangered. Despite the fact that each female lays hundreds of eggs, issues like pesticides and pollution may be responsible for the disappearing population. ...