集总参数热网络法(Lumped-parameter Thermal Network)(二) 前文(https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/t0VaWRbm7pMokd9kV7Qulg)介绍了集总参数热网络法(LPTN)的基本思想以及热阻的计算方法。文末以一个带热源的一维传热问题介绍了LPTN方法的求解流程,并引出了LPTN法对带热源问题求解温度高估的现象。LPTN常用于电机温度的...
如图1所示,将物体一定体积内物理性质聚集到一个节点上(节点 a,b,c,d,e),用一个或多个节点温度来反应物体整体温度;节点与节点间根据实际热量传递路径将它们连接起来,形成网络;每一个传热路径上,用类似电阻概念的热阻来体现能量在传递过程中的难易程度。按照这样的方法,便可以将一个物体 用热网络法的方式进行简化...
总的来说,集总参数热网络法是一种实用的工具,不仅限于温度模拟,还可扩展到流体、电场和磁场等领域。深入研究可参考相关书籍如《Thermal Network Modeling Handbook》和《Novel lumped-parameter thermal model for electrical systems》。通过这种技术,工程师可以更高效地进行多物理场仿真,推动科技进步。
在产品设计的探索中,寻找高效简化复杂物体热性能分析的利器,集总参数热网络法(Lumped-parameter Thermal Network)无疑是你的得力助手。它巧妙地将实体转化为一组节点和热阻网络,节点根据其热容量分为面、体和边界三种类型,热阻则涵盖了传导、对流、辐射以及物质输运的方方面面。这个方法的核心是能量守...
Lumped parameter thermal networkThermal analysisTemperature predictionIn this paper, a three-dimensional (3-D) lumped parameter thermal network (LPTN) model is presented for the first time for a rotor-excited axial-field flux-switching permanent magnet (RE-AFFSPM) machine. The 3-D LPTN predicts ...
To find the temperature rise for high power density yokeless and segmented armature (YASA) axial flux permanent magnet synchronous (AFPMSM) machines quickly and accurately, a 3D lumped parameter thermal model is developed and validated experimentally and by finite element (FE) simulations on a 4 ...
A thermal model for the CPES IPEM Gen. II is presented. The selected approach is the simulation of the thermal behavior of an experimental IPEM testbed using the ID finite difference method. An equivalent electrical network representation of the thermal behavior of the IPEM is developed using a ...
Lumped parameter thermal network for thermal analysis of a rotor-excited axial flux switching machine with electromagnetic-thermal design thermal network (LPTN) model is presented for the first time for a rotor-excited axial-field flux-switching permanent magnet (RE-AFFSPM) machine. The... A Zar...
网络集总参数模型 网络释义 1. 集总参数模型 机械... ... lumped-parameter method 集总参数法lumped-parameter model集总参数模型lumped parameter network 集中参数 … www.mapeng.net|基于 1 个网页 释义: 全部,集总参数模型
Combining several existing lumped-parameter models, this paper presents an electro-thermal model for cylindrical batteries. The model consists of two sub-models, an equivalent-circuit electrical model and a two-state thermal model which are coupled through heat generation and temperature dependence of ...