A new lumped-parameter model (with three windkessels and nine elements) was proposed to simulate the afterload of the systemic circulation. The results of the input impedance of the ascending aorta was in good agreement with the physiological data. This model had the advantage of simple structure...
L., Sanchez-Sanchez, A., Barquero-Perez, O., Goya-Esteban, R., Everss, E., Mora-Jimenez, I., and Garcia-Alberola, A., Analysis of physiological meaning of detrended fluctuation analysis in heart rate variability using a lumped parameter model. Comput. Cardiol. 34:25–28, 2007....
A fully lumped model is very simple: it takes one value (spatially averaged) for each input variable and model parameter for the entire catchment. The input may vary in the time domain. For example, precipitation usually varies over the catchment, but a lumped model takes precipitation for a...
Another use of the Lumped Port condition is to model a small electrical element such as a resistor, capacitor, or inductor bonded onto a microwave circuit. The Lumped Port can be used to specify an effective impedance between two conductive boundaries within the modeling domain. There is an add...
子fe-mn工业催化剂f-t合成集总机理动力学(ⅱ)参数估算与模型筛选 lumped mechanism kinetics of fischer-tropsch synthesis over ultrafine particle fe-mn commercial catalyst(ⅱ) evaluation of parameter and discrimination of model 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: ...
This assessment shows that a single parameter set giving reasonable accuracy is not found. Moreover, the critical analysis of the model parameters shows that these LPM parameters have a poor physical meaning. We also point out that there is a fundamental disagreement between the LPM theory and ...
For situation, K 1 =7.9×10 5 N/m and K 2 =6.3×10 5 N/m, the distribution parameter was equal to 76% and f 1 =1.87 F , f 2 =0.71 F f 3 =1.81 F , meaning the force was effectively distributed.Moghaddam, EhsanMechanical Engineering Department, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, ...
Initially a sensitivity study was conducted on a simple lumped capacity thermal model of a turbocharger. A new partition parameter was introduced 伪_A, which divides the internal wetted area of the compressor housing into pre and post compression. The sensitivity of heat fluxes to 伪_A was ...
Background/objectives: Cerebrospinal infusion studies indicate that cerebrospinal fluid outflow resistance (Rout) is elevated in normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). These studies assume that the cerebrospinal formation rate (CSFfr) does not vary during
Keywords: lumped-parameter equivalent circuit model; organic solar cells; S-shaped I–V kinks 1. Introduction Photoelectric conversion devices, especially for solar cells, have attracted the extensive attention of researchers, because solar energy as an alternative energy source can facilitate us to ...