Lumpsum calculator is an Online tool that helps you to calculate returns on your Lumpsum Mutual Funds investments. Visit Kotak Securities to use our Lumpsum calculator today!
Estimated interest savings (if you made recurring extra payments or irregular/lump sum extra payments) Total number of payments Time saved (if you made recurring extra payments or irregular/lump sum extra payments) Further options: Two types of payment End of the Period Beginning of the Period I...
Using debt owed, annual interest rate and current monthly payments, this calculator determines the time as well as dollars saved by making a lump sum payment.
Compute Estimated Returns on Lumpsum MF investments with our Lumpsum Investment Calculator. Are you an investor who prefers traditional, Lumpsum Mutual Fund investments? If you like to make independent investments in specific Mutual Fund schemes in a single transaction and wish to find out the esti...
Lumpsum Calculator helps you start your planning with the multiple calculators available - 1. FD Calculator 2. Profit & Loss Calculator 3. CAGR Calculator 4.…
iPhone Screenshots Description Compare a lump sum one-time cash vs yearly installment payments. Decide which is worth more. Quickly see how long it takes to catch up. See the power of compound interest. Watch how fast your savings grow over 100 years. ...
This lumpsum Calculator helps you compute how much returns you would have made if you would have invested an amount of money for a particular period at a particular annual rate of return. Instead of painstakingly doing all the calculations manually, all that you have to do with a SIP calcul...
The Future Value of a Lump Sum Calculator helps you calculate the future value of a lump sum based on a fixed interest rate per period. Lump Sum A lump sum is a complete payment consisting of a single sum of money, as opposed to a series of payments made over time (such as an annui...
SIP & Lumpsum Calculator SIP Lumpsum Monthly Investment (₹) Expected Return Per Annum (%) Time Period (Years) Results Investment Amount: ₹0 Estimated Returns: ₹0 Total Amount: ₹0
This lumpsum Calculator helps you compute how much returns you would have made if you would have invested an amount of money on a particular day in the past. Instead of painstakingly doing all the calculations manually, all that you have to do with a SIP calculator is enter the amount you...