The epididymis is a soft and spongy coiled tube that can be felt along the top portion of the testicle on the side closest to the body. When it is infected with bacteria, it can swell and track infection into the bulb of the testicle. This can cause a warm, swollen, and very painful...
feel single hard lump which is somewhat painful on pressing. Its just slightly above the crease where leg meets pelvic area. Also i am running a low fever about 99.5 from past 4 days and feeling feverish from past week. Also i am having quite painful "daana" type thing on left hip ...
A 33-year-old woman presents to her primary care provider owing to a "lump" in the volar aspect of her right wrist. The lump started off as painless; however, over the course of 1 year, the patient progressively developed significant pain in the volar aspect of her right hand and wrist...