Girl you're worth cheese in the nine-seis Sadat owns apartment keys, is it Alize for Dolo You got a mind on top of that spine plus the lump lump Highly educated and highly motivated Workin girl skirt tight love to hurt What to exert, I break your next man's pocket ...
The Not-So-Ugly Truth about Lumps and Bumps; Discovering a Lump Can Send a Shiver through the Spine but, Reassuringly, Most of Them Are Harmless
I didn’t follow a particular packing procedure (such as cubes, rolling, unique folding styles, etc.) for the suitcase… I tend to visualize the upright suitcase and aim for weight-distribution when it’s being rolled. I like to have shoes and heavier items near the “spine” of the han...
Test Yourself Question: A 31-year-old male presenting with a 1-year history of a non-tender lump over the thoracolumbar spineULTRASONIC imagingSPINE diseases diagnosisMAGNETIC resonance imagingANATOMICAL planesIMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRYdoi:10.1007/s00256-022-04251-xSusan.Hesni...