OBJECTCOLOURS对象COLOURS-Objects-Editproperties-ObjectColorallowsyoutochangethecoloursofmanyofthevehiclesaswellasthemodelsintheModelPack.Notethatyoucana 13、lsocopy-pasteacolourfromoutsideLumiontoanycolorselectionwindowinLumion.SimplypressCTRL+Ctocopyahighlightedhexadecimalcolourintextformat,eg,ff0000(red),and...
-Objects -> Edit properties -> Object Colorallows you to change the colours of many of the vehicles as well as the models in theModel Pack. Note that you can also copy-paste a colour from outside Lumion to any color selection window in Lumion. Simply press CTRL + C to copy a highlig...
4.Import a new copy of the Model. When you copy an object such as one of yourImported Modelsusing the shortcut keysALT+ Move, the newly copied model will be a duplicate of the original. Changes to the materials of one of the models will also change the other model. It will not be...
Switch between Move and Rotate Press the M Key to enter Move Mode and R to enter Rotate Mode. You can also rotate Objects while they are being placed by holding R and moving the cursor. Copy Objects Holding the Alt Key while moving an Object will leave a copy in its place. Raise/Lo...
OBJECT COLOURS 对象COLOURS - Objects -> Edit properties -> Object Color allows you to change the colours of many of the vehicles as well as the models in the Model Pack. Note that you can also copy-paste a colour from outside Lumion to any color selection window in Lumion. Simply press...
如果不希望看到的高诀诀诀,所有的诀诀,可以把他诀诀诀按你你CTRL诀,在下列方式中 的附加诀诀: Import/Objectmodes:诀诀模型5诀在诀部的面。画 Moviemode->SaveMovie:MP4或诀像序列,二诀或三诀(立)渲染,体诀外的架的框诀诀。 (诀增加了渲染诀诀,但可以消除Godray/诀境渲染的诀诀的诀影文物) ...
1.2.4: Conform to ground (see section 1.1.3 for more details) is also available.See also:Knowledge Base: What are the keyboard shortcuts in Lumion 2023?Build Mode -> Object Library1.3: New Library Objects1.3.1: The Lumion Library has been updated with 188 new Objects...
LEFT MOUSE BUTTON Place a copy of the selected model from the Model Library. LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + V Place a new model with +/-0 to 50% random scale. H + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse Move the selected object(s) up or down when placing....
SELECTING,COPYING,MOVINGANDALIGNINGOBJECTS选择,复制,移动和调整对象 ***Import/Objectsmode*** (CTRL)+DragwithLeftmousebutton:矩形选择工具选择多个对象。 (CTRL)+(SHIFT)+DragwithLeftmousebutton:添加新的矩形选择现有选区。 (ALT)+Moveselected...