I wonder why I can't use the Livesync, whenever I push the button this message sow up "Lumion LiveSync- Host file hacked, Live Synk will not work on your computer". Thank you! 回覆 | 十一月 12, 2019 Hi Francisco, the first advice I'd like to give you is to never install crac...
3.打开C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc ,找到host文件,右键用记事本打开,在最后边加两行, backup.lumion3d.net license.lumion3d.net 点击保存退出。 4.返回注册机,点击PATCH,然后点击是,提示成功,然后找到动态链接库文件A550BB21-BE5C-4685-B53E-3FA246F86538.DLL,在Lumion8.0安装文件...
2023-06-16 15:47:11 248阅读 itunes缺少dll无法安装 文件操作 (NSFileManager) #define PATH @"/Users/wanghua/Desktop/文件操作" int main(int argc,const char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { //FileManager管理文件 NSFileManager * fm = [NSFileManagerde ...
I wonder why I can't use the Livesync, whenever I push the button this message sow up "Lumion LiveSync- Host file hacked, Live Synk will not work on your computer". Thank you! 回覆 | 十一月 12, 2019 Hi Francisco, the first advice I'd like to give you is to never install crac...
I wonder why I can't use the Livesync, whenever I push the button this message sow up "Lumion LiveSync- Host file hacked, Live Synk will not work on your computer". Thank you! 回覆 | 十一月 12, 2019 Hi Francisco, the first advice I'd like to give you is to never install crac...
hi, when i want to play lumion says :host file hacked...what shoud i do ? 回复 Arash Negahdari | 八月23, 2019 i get the same error. what should i do? i have revit 2019 latest update. | 九月12, 2019 You should stop using a cracked version of Lumion. :| Verified Download...
I wonder why I can't use the Livesync, whenever I push the button this message sow up "Lumion LiveSync- Host file hacked, Live Synk will not work on your computer". Thank you! Reply | November 12, 2019 Hi Francisco, the first advice I'd like to give you is to never install cr...
I wonder why I can't use the Livesync, whenever I push the button this message sow up "Lumion LiveSync- Host file hacked, Live Synk will not work on your computer". Thank you! Ответить | ноября 12, 2019 Hi Francisco, the first advice I'd like to give you is...
I wonder why I can't use the Livesync, whenever I push the button this message sow up "Lumion LiveSync- Host file hacked, Live Synk will not work on your computer". Thank you! Reply | November 12, 2019 Hi Francisco, the first advice I'd like to give you is to never install cr...