Equation (16) therefore provides a direct calibration of the visible cross section for each algorithm in terms of Σx Σy and n1n2. In the LHC, bunches typically cross at a small angle φ in the horizontal plane at IP 5. This introduces a reduction in the luminosity relative to the ...
Equation (10) provides a direct calibration of the visible cross-section σvis in terms of the peak visible interaction rate μvis,pk, the product of the convolved bunch widths x y, and the bunch-population product n1n2. In the presence of a significant crossing angle, the formal- ism ...
Note that the y-axis physical quantity is the average grey level lg in Equation (2). The parameter ILg is indicated by the red transparency area below the 𝐿𝑔 Lg¯ curve. The average trend 𝐿𝑔 Lg¯ (4) was then obtained by averaging, frame-by-frame, the lg values of ...
and the dynamic aperture, defined as the radius of the sphere that has the same volume as the stability domain (note that the region providing the stability domain is confined to a surface that is 1/41/4 of a circle and this has been considered in Equation (9)) is given by: DA𝛼(...
Figure 8. Values of ℒ𝑟,𝑚𝑀𝑢𝑜𝑛LMuonr,m, as defined in Equation (2), as a function of the LHCb luminosity ℒ𝑟,𝑚𝐿𝐻𝐶𝑏LLHCbr,m. The line represents the ideal behavior. The first acquired run was chosen for calibration to better check for possible “drif...