Photoluminescence (PL) excitation and emission spectra of Ca(Al x Ga 1– x ) 2 S 4 :Eu 2+ ( х = 0.1, 0.2) crystals have been investigated at different temperatures (20–300 K) and europium concentrations (3, 5, 7%). The emission spectrum is a band peaking at 556 nm, which is...
Amorphous carbon luminescence; excitation and emission in a broad energy range[J].Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids: A Journal Devoted to Oxide, Halide, Chalcogenide and Metallic Glasses, Amorphous Semiconductors, Non-Crystalline Films, Glass-Ceramics and Glassy Composites 1998,Pt.A(Pt.A)....
The photoluminescence (PL) excitation andemission spectra were obtained by a FLS-920T fluorescencespectrophotometer with Xe 900 (450 W xenon arc lamp) as thelight source. The afterglow decay curves were recorded using aPR305 long afterglow instrument after the samples were irra-diated by ...
Luminescence and optical thermometry strategy based on emission and excitation spectra of Pr3+ doped SrMoO4 phosphorsLuminescenceOptical thermometryExcitation intensity ratioPraseodymiumRecent developments of luminescence ratiometric thermometry have attracted much attention owing to its merits of fast response, ...
Luminescence and stimulated emission of orthorhombic crystal of YAlO/sub 3/-Ho/sup 3 +/ 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 35 作者:A. Kaminskii,VM Garmash,GA Ermakov,V. Akkerman,A. Filimonov,K Kurbakov 摘要: The authors study the excitation of stimulated emission of Ho/sup 3 +/ ions...
The presence of a LC-mediated excitation process is deduced from the observation of an annealing-temperature-independent Erexcitation rate, a strong similarity between the LC andErexcitation spectra, as well as an excellent correspondence between the observed LC-related emission intensity and the ...
1.Jablonski能级图 ProfessorAleksanderJabłoński(bornin1898,diedin1980)wasaPolishphysicist.FluorescenceisschematicallyillustratedwiththeclassicalJablonskidiagram,firstproposedbyJablonskiin1935todescribeabsorptionandemissionoflight.AleksanderJabłoński 分子能级在每个电子能级上,都存在振动、转动能级;基态(S0)→激发态(...
► The fluorescence excitation and emission spectra in MM possess a complex nature. ► Fluorescence decay kinetics for different degrees of polymerization of MM were investigated. ► The ICT fluorescence FWHM for EDMAADCy shows a linear dependence on the time of polymerization. ► EDMAADCy ...
摘要: The 4°K excitation spectrum of the 4 F 3/2‐4 I 11/2luminescence of Nd3+ in LaF3 was measured in the region of the six A absorption lines.关键词:Absorption spectra Luminescence DOI: 10.1063/1.1662373 被引量: 2 年份: 1973 收藏 ...
Energy transfer from Bi3+ to Tb3+ and Eu3+ is observed and the mechanism of energy transfer is investigated. Mechanism of energy transfer can be explained as electric multipole interaction since the Bi3+ emission band and Tb3+ or Eu3+ excitation band overlaps and the Bi3+ emission ...