免费解决PS安装最新版Luminar Neo 1.22智能ai人像修图软件神器Mac版安装后无法添加到PS在界面打开安装不上插件 01:01 免费最新版Camera Raw 17.1插件升级ACR滤镜新增功能一键安装包PS自动消除照片窗户玻璃眼镜反射反光Win版Mac版 00:40 最新Adobe Lightroom Classic 14.1最低Win系统配置要求LR2025 14.1调色软件LRC一键...
Luminar Neo 是一款由Skylum公司推出新的创意图像编辑器,采用灵活高效的AI技术,能够用来编辑各种复杂的图像,功能是极其强大的。Luminar Neo有着非常直观自由度超高的用户界面,不管是对于新手还是专业人士来说都是十分友好的,操作很简单,功能也很全面,包括构图、橡皮擦、光效、结构、颜色、噪点等基本功能,可以满足所有用户...
Luminar Neo 是一款由未来 AI 技术驱动的创意图像编辑器,它可以帮助创作者将他们的大胆想法变为现实并乐在其中。 这款软件拥有全新的快速核心引擎,可以加快编辑工作流程。而且,它基于 Skylum 开发的独特技术并在模块系统上运行,这意味着现在可以单独优化应用程序的不同部分以获得最佳效果。 Luminar Neo 是一款由Skylum...
With Skylum Luminar Neo’s background removal tool, you can easily create stunning photos. First, ensure your photo has high resolution and clear edges. Photos with a simple and solid background work best. Use Luminar Neo’s selection tools like brushes, lassos, or magic wands to manually se...
Luminar Neo 是常用工具。谢谢楼主!
• Studio Light: Replicate studio lighting effects with a photo brightener, typically achieved with expensive studio equipment • Portrait Bokeh AI: Create bokeh effects in portrait photos based on image depth reconstruction OTHER TOOLS: • Neon & Glow: Add captivating lighting effects and blend...
使用Relight 单击一下即可重新点亮背光照片或变暗的图像人工智能特征。Luminar Neo 计算照片的深度并创建 3D 地图,从而可以在 3D 空间中自然地将光线传播到 2D 图像。
I don't really need Neo at all, but might renew the sub if the deal is good, as I think the company is quite creative. The tools are seldom much good, but they're fun to play with occasionally. Like this: She demonstates making fake light trails using the Glow tool. A good examp...
软件简介:Luminar Neo是由Skylum开发的人工智能图像编辑器,也是其Luminar系列软件的最新版本。它拥有AI增强、智能修复、全景照片合成、AI蒙版、色彩级别控制、HDR轮廓等众多强大功能,内置90多种预设效果,帮助用户快速调整和美化图像。此外,Luminar Neo支持与Photoshop和Lightroom无缝集成,使用户可以轻松地在不同软件之间切换...
Neo is the full-featured version of the Luminar application. It can be used standalone for Mac or Windows, or as a plugin for Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. Other tools include a denoiser, film stocks, black and white looks, and background and power line removal tools. ...