Once your order is placed, we stay in email and phone contact with you throughout the course of your order. Your salesman will be available to answer any questions you may have along the way. Delays, though unlikely, do happen and you'll be the first to know if that's the case. Bu...
”I have dealt with buffalo lumber a couple of times and the service and follow ups were great. I have referred them to other contractors and some lumber yards.” 2/8/16 Ted W. OHIO Purchased: 2470 SQFT 1x8 CHANNEL LAP CEDAR-WRC SIDING STD&BTR (BL Grade Equivalent CUSTOMER SELECT), ...
• AUGUST/2008 11 Northern and Appalachian Hardwoods • Specializing in Cherry, Hard Maple, Soft Maple • Yards and Kilns in Owego and Berkshire, NY • Export Shipments • Green and Kiln Dried • 4/4 thru 16/4 Quality Hardwoods • Surfacing and Rip Strips Available 3481 Waverly ...