Test your knowledge on the structures of the lumbar spine with our interactive quiz! Muscles affecting lumbar vertebrae function Longissimus muscle: a long muscle with a lumbar vertebral attachment at the transverse processes and accessory processes. It extends the spine upon bilateral contraction and...
中英文字幕:腰椎解剖(lumbarspineanatomy) 脊柱腰段,更多时被称为腰椎,包含5个椎体,分别称为腰1至腰5。腰段位于胸椎(脊柱胸段)与骶骨之间。 警告:请在有WIFI的场所观看视频,土豪请随意。 lumbar spine anatomy 腰椎解剖 The lumbar region of the spine, more commonly known as the lower back, consists of ...
2In conjunction with the muscles and ligaments, these vertebrae help support the weight of the upper body, including the head and neck. The lumbar spine also transfers loads from the upper body to the legs.2
The lumbar spine consists of 5 moveable vertebrae numbered L1-L5. The complex anatomy of the lumbar spine is a remarkable combination of these strong vertebrae, multiple bony elements linked by joint capsules, and flexible ligaments/tendons, large muscle
Neuraxial Block: Spine Anatomy; Epidural (Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Caudal)Providing epidural anesthesia requires full understanding and three-dimensional visualization of the spinal anatomy. Along with understanding spinal anatomy, the technique for placement, possible complications and how to avoid ...
An anatomical approach to minimally invasive spine surgery. St. Louis (MO): Quality Medical Publishing, Inc.; 2006; with permission.) Sign in to download hi-res image Fig. 7. (A) Postoperative axial MRI image showing preservation of the midline muscular and bone anatomy after minimally ...
Spine Anatomy Collectively, the spine has an anterior and a posterior region (seeImage. Lumbar Vertebral Anatomy). The cylindrical vertebral bodies comprise the anterior spine, separated by intervertebral (IV) disks and held in place by the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments. The IV disks...
Lumbar Spine Anatomy The normal adult lumbar spine (low back) has 5 vertebral bodies (bones). There is some variation to this as some only have
A Patient's Guide to Lumbar Spine Anatomy Introduction Knowing the main parts of your low back and how these parts work is important as you learn to care for your back problem. Two common anatomic terms are useful as they relate to the low back. The term
spine tumor or trauma other problems that would prevent bone fusion The surgeon will evaluate the tailbone’s curve to determine if the AxiaLIF approach can be used. This requires a standing x-ray of the lumbar spine, sacrum, and coccyx. MRI or CT will help identify any anomalies in the...