The Role of ISASS in Evolving the Spine Code Landscape: Lumbar Discogenic Pain Receives Specific ICD-10-CM Codedoi:10.14444/8622CHRONIC painMEDICAL personnelLUMBAR painINTERVERTEBRAL diskLUMBOSACRAL regionLEG painThe International Journal of Spine Surgery has announced that specific International ...
where associations are reported at the variant level. MAGMA uses curated gene sets and GO annotations from MSigDB49in the analyses. A 10 kb gene window and selected GTEx v8 tissue variants were put into the analysis; the HLA region was also left out of the annotations. For gene prioritizat...
Data on individuals diagnosed with herniated intervertebral discs with radiculopathy (ICD-10 code M51.1) who did not undergo microdiscectomy (LDHsurg), were obtained from the Landspitali database of discharge diagnoses (for the same time period as LDHsurg, or 1997–2015). During this period, M...
PATIENT SAMPLE The 2007-2014 Medicare 100% Standard Analytical Files (SAF100) database was queried using International Classification of Diseases, 9th Edition (ICD-9) procedure code for patients undergoing elective 1- to 3-level posterior lumbar fusions (81.07, 81.08 and 81.62). The Medicare ...
sex, educational level and region of birth with up to four reference individuals, randomly selected from the general population, who had not been treated at in- or specialised outpatient care during 2001–2013 due to any degenerative spine disease (ICD 10: M40-M54) as the main or secondary ...