Results ASM showed that 89.5 % of the variation in the shape of the spine could be explained by the first two modes; describing the overall curvature and the distribution of curvature of the spine. Mode scores were significantly correlated between all six postures (modes 1–9, r =...
Two cases were found epidural hematomas on postoperative MRI revision. However, the patients did not show any clinical symptoms. Three cases had residual symptoms presenting as no obvious relief of radioactive numbness and pain in the lower limbs, and after intravenous dexamethasone and mannitol ...
Are MRI-defined fat infiltrations in the multifidus muscles associated with low back pain? BMC Med. 2007;5(1):2. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Cairns MC, Foster NE, Wright C. Randomized controlled trial of specific spinal ...
spontaneous intracranial hypotension. These patientsoften have an underlying connective tissue disorder that makes their tissue less robust than normal. Because MRI and CT imaging is not yet sensitive enough to easily show smaller leaks, it remains...
CT or MRI are only needed if the symptoms of the patient are not explained by the myelogram. Although MRI is advocated as the investigation of first choice for lumbar spinal stenosis, we still prefer the myelography, which is easier to interpret during the operation. Our study also shows ...
This discrepancy could be explained by the fact that LDD has a complex and heterogeneous p athogenesis29–31. Therefore, from our results, we postulated that these variants may exert more influence in the advanced stages of LDD development in Chinese population. The closest protein coding ...
Abbreviations FD, fibrous dysplasia; MFD, monostotic fibrous dysplasia; PFD, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia; ABC, aneurysmal bone cysts; CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic reso- nance imaging. Consent Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report and...
Central or foraminal stenosis on MRI (or CT) of which the anatomical level is corresponding to the clinical syndrome Pregnancy Age over 18 years Symptomatic osteoporosis (defined on DEXA-scan or the use of bisphosphonates) Psychosocially, mentally, and physically able to fully comply with this st...
We will compare co-interventions receive between group and comment on the potential impact they may have on the results. There is a high risk of falls in the LSS population and we need to ensure safety of participants while performing the SPWT. We will train assessors accompanying participants...
Due to the low frequency of incident MRI findings, we expected a priori to have low power to detect statistical associations exceeding the commonly used threshold of p = 0.05. Therefore, we planned in advance to focus our inter- pretation of results on the magnitude of associations detected, ...