lululemon的Dual Function Backpack To Tote通勤包真的是太实用了!无论是日常通勤、户外旅行还是健身瑜伽,这款包都能轻松应对。它的设计非常人性化,可以斜挎、手提、单肩或双肩背,内有三个口袋,可以装瑜伽服、水壶、笔记本电脑和iPad等。容量非常大,外侧还可以放手机,口袋处有抽绳收口,既安全又方便。这款包采用...
These running shorts are delightfully airy and roomy. The Swift fabric is ultra-ventilated to ensure that you feel light as a feather. We love how these shorts can dual function in the studio or the gym thanks to the built-in liner for coverage and the easy-cinch hidden drawcord. T.H.E...