The 2023 CMA Awards aired live on ABC from Nashville's Bridgestone Arena on Nov. 8. Luke Bryan and Peyton Manning hosted the show for a second straight year. Luke Combs, Carrie Underwood, Chris Stapleton, Lainey Wilson and Morgan Wallen werenominatedin the Entertainer of the Year category. G...
withMorgan WallenandLuke Combsjoining a lineup that already includesLainey WilsonandChris Stapleton. Combs will perform his song "Where the Wild Things Are," but many of the details of Wallen's performance are being kept a surprise until the show: He andHardywill take the stage with rapper...
withMorgan WallenandLuke Combsjoining a lineup that already includesLainey WilsonandChris Stapleton. Combs will perform his song "Where the Wild Things Are," but many of the details of Wallen's performance are being kept a surprise until the show: He andHardywill take the stage with rapper...
withMorgan WallenandLuke Combsjoining a lineup that already includesLainey WilsonandChris Stapleton. Combs will perform his song "Where the Wild Things Are," but many of the details of Wallen's performance are being kept a surprise until the show: He andHardywill take the stage with rapper...
Four out of five Entertainer of the Year nominees are now confirmed to take the stage, withMorgan WallenandLuke Combsjoining a lineup that already includesLainey WilsonandChris Stapleton. Combs will perform his song "Where the Wild Things Are," but many of the details of Wallen's performance...
Zach Bryan, Jelly Roll and Luke Combs are the headliners for the 2025 Stagecoach Festival in Indio next April. Tickets go on sale Sept. 13.
It’s not all serious, reflective work. Combs knows that country fans want rowdy uptempo numbers as well.Growin’ Uphas its share: “On the Other Line” is a cheeky fishing song, “Ain’t Far From It” is a rapid-fire ode to the weekend, and “Any Given Friday Night” is a joyful...
Combs compete against Bad Bunny and Styles onceagainin the Concert Tour category for his popular Middle of Somewhere Tour. BTS, Billie Eilish, Dua Lipa, Ed Sheeran and Lady Gaga are also vying for that price. The People's Choice Awards feature genre-specific categories and all-encompassing cate...
Combs and Jameson Rodgers snagged a No. 1 hit after teaming up for this ode to blue collar workers. Hard work and long days don't seem so bad when you know there's a cold one waiting on you after quitting time, right? "Cold Beer Calling My Name" is technically Rodgers' song, but...
” It turns out Gill was Combs’ first concert when his mother snuck him into a show when he was 6. “I thought your name was ‘Vince Skittles,’” Combs said, before adding he hoped he could have the impact on people’s lives through his music t...