【星球大战】 Anakin and Luke Edit 00:34 Star Wars (Edit) My Eyes - Travis Scott (Slowed) 00:53 【星球大战】Anakin Skywalker - Falling Down 00:42 【星球大战】Anakin Skywalker Edit 01:09 I Have Brought Peace - Anakin Skywalker 00:41 【星球大战】Darth Vader 00:51 【星球大战】Anakin ...
在线看luke & anakin skywalker vine | starwars 27秒。13 3月 2021的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 390 — 已浏览。 36 — 已评价。
This mod has been created with AI model, using the voice of Luke Skywalker from RotJ movie for English version and the voice of Luke Skywalker from Battlefront II for Spanish version.
luke意思是卢克。luke造句:1、So the first casualty of the expedition was Luke himself, who decided to leave.因此这次探险的第一个受害者是卢克自己,他决定离开。2、Cade Skywalker is a direct descendant of Anakin and Luke Skywalker.凯德·行者是阿纳金与卢克·行者的直系后裔。3、Notice:i...
I am a Jedi, like my father before me.Luke Skywalker Luke Skywalker, a Force-sensitive human male, was a legendary Jedi Master who fought in the Galactic Civil War during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Along with his companions, Princess Leia Organa a
这一点的确做的很巧妙:Anakin和Luke都来自沙漠星球,看似毫无潜力但是实际上很强大,被卷进与黑暗势力的战争等等等。但是如果编剧试着在Rey身上尝试第三次的话,真的就会很乏味了。 Lily_L_Potter 伊冷 1 第二点:这会太墨守成规了,完全在观众的意料之中,不会是任何的惊喜JJ Abrams在拍摄过程中,预告片里,还有...
Luke Skywalker was a renowned Force-sensitive Human male who helped defeat the Galactic Empire in the Galactic Civil War and helped found the New Republic, as well as the New Jedi Order. Born in 19 BBY as the son of the fallen Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and the Queen and Senator of...
The Luke lightsaber from SabersPro's Character Sabers collection is inspired by the younger Skywalker's second lightsaber, featured in Return of the Jedi. Need we remind you that his original hand-me-down from Anakin ended up plummeting into Cloud City's reactor shaft, along with the Jedi-...
As the son of former Queen of Naboo and Republic Senator Padme Amidala and her husband, Anakin Skywalker—a fallen Jedi also known as the Sith Lord Darth Vader—Luke is heir to a family deeply powerful in the Force. He is al...
在线看luke skywalker | anakin skywalker 6秒。11 7月 2017 02:00的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 131 — 已浏览。 3 — 已评价。